Thursday, August 2, 2012

Base Coat

I haven't painted my nails for the past couple days so I decided today I'd share the base coat that I use before I paint my nails.

But first some super exciting news....I have hit the 300 bottles of polish mark!!! YAY!! Thanks to the help of my mom, my sister, and some awesome polish deals I now I have 307 bottles of polish!

Anyway here is the base coat that I use...

This is Pro FX complete 3 in 1 Top coat, Base coat, and nail strengthener. This bottle is huge and I think I purchased it for around $5 at WalMart. I do not use this as a top coat because it doesn't give me the shine that I like with my manicures.

Why wear a base coat? 

The base coat is the most important part of the manicure! This protects your nails from over drying like they would if you applied polish directly to them. It also protects against staining. Ick. Before I cared about my nails I used to apply polish directly to them and the dark colors would leave disgusting stains. I have also noticed that using a base coat keeps your manicures looking better longer, which is a plus!

So even if you are feeling lazy DO NOT SKIP THE BASE COAT! It's the most important part of having an amazing manicure!   

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