Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jessica Cosmetics-Sunrise

It has been a few days since my last post. Whoops. But tonight I have one of the polishes that my sister picked up for me at TJ Maxx it is Jessica Cosmetics-Sunrise.

When I saw this color in the bottle I liked it a lot. The shimmer was great the color reminded me of fall, my favorite season, but I wasn't sure it was one that I would like to wear. This is one of my first brownish, orangeish colors and I did not think it would look good with my skin tone ((Gah I sound like my mom)).

I thought this color looked alright. It isn't one of my favorites and it isn't really a Summer color, but I will definitely utilize it in the Fall. 

Here is Sunrise with the flash on my camera. I absolutely love how shimmery this color is and it goes on very smooth and easily. This manicure has three coats of Sunrise. Again, I know the quality of these pictures are not the best because I am back to the camera on my BlackBerry. It seems I have misplaced the charger for my "real" camera. Oops! 

Unfortunately I will not be able to post swatches for a little bit. Somehow I cut the skin on the side of one of my fingers right next to the nail. It is painful to remove polish so I have decided to give my nails a little break. Hopefully not for too long though! 

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